AI ticket summary

AI text enhancements


AI and Automations features

Try AI-empowered ticketing in the HelpDesk software

Automate customer support operations and get a full understanding of cases without devoting time to in-depth analysis.

Free 14-day trial Built-in automation Powerful AI applied 

Over 33 million custom automations run by AI help desk users so far

Automation templates in HelpDesk app

Automate in seconds with templates (literally!)

Streamline your daily tasks on the go. Use the most popular pre-designed workflows. All are ready to be activated and working efficiently for you with a single click.

Exampled automations in HelpDesk app

Create made-to-measure automations

Model automation from the ground up that fits your business. Choose from an available set of conditions and actions and see how significantly you can reduce customer service time. 

The minute you create the automation rules, you can mark it as ready to go live, and it immediately starts working for you.
Melissa Hannam,
the Director of Marketing at Valley Driving School

100+ 100+
tickets are handled within four hours through prioritization and tagging.

7,000 7,000
actions performed by automation rules instead of agents.

Ticket summary for an overview of the entire case without scrolling

AI-powered feature

AI ticket summary

Access critical ticket details at a glance: subject, major issue, solution stage, and suggested next steps. This clarity empowers well-informed and efficient decision-making.

AI ticket summary in HelpDesk

Text enhancements for clearer and swifter communication

Popular feature

Adjust text tone

Amplify your brand's voice and let AI customize the message tone to match your unique style. Whether it's polite, formal, or casual, AI mirrors your and your customers' messaging.

Adjusting the text tone in HelpDesk with AI software.
Adjusting the text tone in HelpDesk with AI software.
Work booster

Expand any thoughts

If your response is too brief or organized in a way that flouts the rules of effective communication, you can effortlessly expand different content scenarios with a single click.

Expanding the text in HelpDesk.
Expanding the text in HelpDesk.
Loved by agents

Improve grammar with ease

Awkward tones, grammar slip-ups, and spelling errors? Use AI to compose your messages flawlessly by providing instant solutions through crystal-clear written communication.

Correcting the text grammar in HelpDesk
Correcting the text grammar in HelpDesk.

Tag smarter with less effort

New AI-powered feature

AI tag suggestions

Use AI-powered suggestions to instantly apply the best tags. Keep tickets neatly categorized, find what you need faster, and speed up resolutions.

AI-based tag suggestions in HelpDesk

Handle tickets using the relevant language

AI-powered feature

AI language detection

Automatically identify ticket languages to route them to the right teams and agents, breaking down language barriers for global support.

AI-based language detection feature in HelpDesk

Want to experience all these benefits first-hand?

No credit card required Cancel anytime Simple setup

Join the 10500+ experts who bring superior customer service with HelpDesk

Brastel logo TimeCamp logo HappyHour logo Powur logo Valley Driving School logo UberPrints logo

Achieve support excellence with AI‑based features

Give real-time

Deliver instant assistance and auto-resolve simple and the more sophisticated tickets with ready-made automations.

Promise 100%

Get prompt feedback on your support quality. Work on the overall satisfaction and positive interaction experience.

Be on time with

How quickly you respond to new messages really matters. Follow the industry average ticket resolution time to hit the best metrics.

What AI customer support features will be added to the HelpDesk software next?

Coming soon

AI similar ticket suggestions

Browse related past cases to apply proven solutions to current issues. Strategically resolve tickets without sifting through the collected details yourself.

Coming soon

Auto-response with suggested replies

Instantly acknowledge any ticket and then choose from suggested responses for quick, personalized client interactions.

Learn more about modern AI-based customer support

What is NLP?

NLP, or Natural Language Processing, is a technology that enables computers to understand and interact with human language. In customer support, NLP can be seen in action through chatbots that can understand and respond to client queries in real time.

For example, when a customer asks a chatbot about an order status, NLP helps the system understand their question and provide an accurate response, enhancing the support experience.

What is GPT?

GPT, or Generative Pre-trained Transformer, is a cutting-edge language model that has found applications in customer support. GPT-powered chatbots can engage in more natural and contextually relevant conversations with customers.

Chatbots can provide detailed explanations, troubleshooting steps, and even generate personalized responses. This technology guarantees that customers receive accurate information and solutions promptly.

How does AI make customer support more natural?

AI employs sophisticated algorithms to understand and generate human-like responses. By analyzing the plain language used by customers, AI systems interpret the intent behind their questions and provide relevant solutions. This approach eliminates the need for complex jargon and allows customers to communicate in a way that feels familiar.

Is HelpDesk software safe?

Yes, it is! HelpDesk software's safety is based on factors like regular updates, strong access controls, encryption, user permissions, audit logs, data backups, third-party integrations, security testing, compliance, and incident response plans. Learn all about HelpDesk's security mechanisms.

What is NLU?

NLU, or Natural Language Understanding, takes NLP a step further by allowing machines to comprehend the nuances of language. In customer care, NLU enables systems to understand the intent behind users queries.

What is Modeling?

Modeling in customer support involves training AI algorithms to understand and mimic human-like interactions.

For instance, AI models can be trained on historical customer interactions to learn how to address various issues effectively. When a person presents an issue, the AI model uses its training to generate responses that align with how a human agent would assist, ensuring consistent and helpful support interactions.

What role do statistics play in AI-based customer support?

Statistics form the backbone of an AI-based support hub. The AI systems are trained on vast datasets, which include historical customer interactions and their outcomes. By analyzing these statistics quickly, AI learns how to predict the most appropriate responses for different customer queries, enhancing the accuracy of the support provided.

What is deep learning?

Deep learning, a subset of AI, mimics the brain's data processing to create patterns for decision-making. In customer support, it analyzes data like chat logs and emails to identify trends, understand complex queries, predict issues, and provide accurate responses.
For instance, deep learning enables chatbots to recognize subtle language variations, improving their natural and effective interactions with customers.

Save a bunch of time with an automated help desk during your free 14-day trial

Free 14-day trial Core ticketing features No credit card required

You'll be in
good company

Tickets that are created with Shopify, Salesforce, LiveChat, and Messenger

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