1. Learn more about the HelpDesk Marketplace, where you can install apps and grow your license with essential solutions.

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  2. In the HelpDesk settings, you can manage your inboxes, tags, canned responses, and email notifications.

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  3. Integrate HelpDesk with Facebook for streamlined customer support. Manage Facebook messages efficiently in one place.

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  4. Learn how you can edit the email template in HelpDesk to adjust it to your needs.

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  5. Discover the roles you can assign to the HelpDesk users.

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  6. Forward your emails from Microsoft 365 to HelpDesk and convert them into tickets.

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  7. Learn how to add multiple email addresses to HelpDesk and create custom inboxes with automation rules.

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  8. Learn how to download, install, and configure Contact Form 7 for your WordPress. Use the CF7 plugin to get more messages from your website's visitors.

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  9. Find all the open tickets in the "Tickets to handle" section.

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  10. Discover how to start using HelpDesk as your ticket management tool.

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Archive, Trash, and Spam folders

3 min read
updated: Sep 25, 2024
158 29

Use the Archive, Trash, and Spam folders to categorize and organize your tickets according to their actual status or value to your business.

Types of foldersLink icon

There are three types of folders: Archive, Trash, and Spam, which you can use to keep only relevant tickets on your dashboard.

ArchiveLink icon

Move tickets to the Archive folder to remove “Solved” or “Closed” tickets from the main dashboard to keep it clean. 

Archived tickets won’t be deleted from the Archive folder, and you can unarchive them anytime.  

Automatic archiving is constantly performed for tickets with 60 days of inactivity with Pending, Solved, and Closed statuses.
Automatic archiving is constantly performed for tickets with 60 days of inactivity with Pending, Solved, and Closed statuses.

TrashLink icon

Move tickets to the Trash folder to remove “Solved,” “Closed,” or unnecessary tickets from the main dashboard to keep it clean. 

Trash tickets are automatically and permanently deleted after 30 days of inactivity.

SpamLink icon

Move tickets to the Spam folder to remove malicious or otherwise unnecessary tickets.

Spam tickets are automatically and permanently deleted after 60 days of inactivity.

Browsing tickets in foldersLink icon

You can browse tickets in folders in two ways:

  1. Using the ticket navigation bar on the left.

Browsing tickets in folders using the ticket navigation bar on the left in HelpDesk.

  1. Using filtering options.
The “Save view” button isn’t available for Archive, Spam, and Trash tickets.
The “Save view” button isn’t available for Archive, Spam, and Trash tickets.

Browsing tickets in folders using filtering in HelpDesk.

Moving tickets to foldersLink icon

You can move the ticket to the selected folder in three ways:

  1. Go to the main dashboard and use the quick actions menu to move the ticket to a specific folder.

Moving a ticket to a specific folder using the quick action menu.

  1. Go to the main dashboard and use bulk actions to move more tickets to a specific folder.

Moving a ticket to a specific folder using bulk actions.

  1. Open the ticket and select its new folder in the ticket details.

Moving a ticket to a specific folder in the ticket details.

A new message from a requester always moves the ticket from the Archive, Trash, and Spam folder to the list with all recent tickets. This way, you’re assured that no message will slip your mind.
A new message from a requester always moves the ticket from the Archive, Trash, and Spam folder to the list with all recent tickets. This way, you’re assured that no message will slip your mind.

How to unarchive a ticket from the ArchiveLink icon

To unarchive a ticket from the Archive and bring it to the main dashboard, select the archived ticket and pick the unarchive action available at three points.

Unarchiving a ticket from the Archive in HelpDesk.

How to restore a ticket from the TrashLink icon

To restore a ticket from the Trash and bring it to the main dashboard, select the ticket moved to the Trash and pick the restore action available at three points.

Restoring a ticket from the Trash in HelpDesk.

How to mark a ticket as not spamLink icon

To mark a ticket as not Spam and bring it to the main dashboard, select the ticket moved to Spam and pick the “Not spam” action available at three points.

Marking a ticket as not spam in HelpDesk.

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