People in the loop

2 min read
updated: Sep 25, 2024
158 29

Add email addresses to the “To” or “Cc” fields in a standard email message and do the same in HelpDesk. You can reach multiple recipients with your message by adding multiple recipients to the loop. This way, every person related to the case can stay informed.

Adding more people to the messageLink icon

The “People in the loop” field differs from the “Cc” field in your inbox. 

In standard email messages, you can see multiple email addresses in the “To” and “Cc” fields, but in HelpDesk, messages are sent separately to each recipient included in the ticket.

To add more message recipients, click “+Add more people.”

Using the “Add more people” button to add more message recipients.

Next, insert the email address in the field.

Adding people to the loop using email addresses.

If you want to add multiple email addresses, use the “+Add another” option. You can add up to 20 email addresses here.

Adding another person to the loop.

The same email address cannot be used in the “People in the loop” field and the “Requester” field.

When you’re ready, click “Save.”

Adding an email address to people in the loop.

Adding an email address to people in the loop.

As you can see, a new person has been added to the “People in the loop” field. You can edit this list at any time using the “Edit.”

Editing people in the loop.

Key principles of using “People in the loop”Link icon

All email addresses added to the “People in the loop” field actively participate in the exchange of messages and can see the content of the entire message. They’re also free to reply to the ticket.

A view of people in a loop shown in Gmail.

Please note that once you remove the email address from the “People in the loop” field, that person will no longer be able to respond to the ticket.
Please note that once you remove the email address from the “People in the loop” field, that person will no longer be able to respond to the ticket.

Why can’t you see other recipients in the message thread?Link icon

First, adjust your email template to ensure that recipients can see every person added to the message. If your email template is set up correctly, all people added to the loop will see other recipients, the subsequent messages, and the ticket history.

The “People in the loop” parameter in the email template.

Adding people to the loop when creating a ticket manuallyLink icon

When manually creating a ticket, you can add people to the loop by entering multiple email addresses. Then, you can reach many recipients with your message.

People in the loop when manually creating a ticket.

People in the loop when manually creating a ticket.

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