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A huge number of emails have been created over the years. I deal with them every day. I must say that I’ve read messages with product news, invitations, event reminders, newsletters, and so on. I could keep listing them forever.
We’ve had a little discussion in HelpDesk team recently. We were wondering which email has changed something in our lives. Of course, several of us mentioned those related to business.
I suppose you also experience all sorts of emails on a daily basis. Still, there are five types of emails that you’re sure to send at least once in your life. Those are the most valuable to understand.
Let’s take a look at these messages and see the templates for them.
We love sending emails, both professional and personal, and the data shows that. We send 306.4 billion emails per day in 2020, and it’s expected to increase to over 347 billion daily emails in 2022. Sounds incredible? Nothing could be further from the truth.
What makes an email perfect? Its whole success lies in personalization, clarity, and getting to the point. That applies to many types of messages, regardless of their purpose or motive.
Take a few moments to prepare your message and to place personalized elements in it. In addition to using the name of the recipient, you can also refer to other information you know about this person or business. Adapt the content of the email message based on available user data.
What’s more, customers love messages tailored to their preferences with individual recommendations. Segmented, targeted, and personalized emails increase revenue by 760%. Do your best to make it personal by referring directly to the recipient.
Miscommunication leads to failures in relationships. No one has time to decipher your intentions. That said, be transparent and write emails in an understandable way. Use words that your recipient understands. Also, don’t make your content too formal or fancy because it can make it difficult to read. Make sure you’re upfront about your purpose and show your real attitude.
An email’s structure should go hand in hand with the message’s purpose. The most important information should be at the top of the email with additional details at the bottom. That’s because you have the recipient’s attention at the beginning, so take advantage of it.
The perfect email length is between 50 and 125 words because it can increase the response rate by 50%. You might run into obstacles here. By limiting the number of words, people can think you’re rude. thanking the recipient, ending your email correctly, or adding something positive to the postscript. Your email message should be concise but not impolite.
Don’t forget that every message needs the right subject line. In this creative set of subject lines for emails, you can find one that works for you.
Every job you get will definitely require you to send several job applications. It’s one of the most significant moments in the recruitment process. You can show who you are, what you care about, and how you can contribute to the team. Make a good first impression with your email.
Hello [NAME], I decided to write to you, as I saw the job advertisement on [JOB PORTAL NAME]. I’m happy to say that my skills and experience match those listed in the advertisement. I believe that I'm the person who will meet your expectations. I would be honored if you'd take the time to evaluate me as a candidate. [A paragraph about your education, academic degrees, previous positions, and duties at that time] I have attached the [names of the documents, such as resume, cover letter, certificates] for your consideration. I would be grateful if you could take a moment to go through them. I appreciate your feedback about my application, and it would be a pleasure to hear back from you. Yours truly, [YOUR NAME]
A networking session is a chance to meet many interesting people and make meaningful connections. Often after this type of meeting, you don’t send an email even if you exchanged business cards.
So, is it appropriate to email people you’ve met recently and who you find common ground with? Of course, it’s okay. Just approach it in the right way. You’ll no longer feel like a stranger to them when you send a relevant message to their inbox.
Hello [NAME], I hope this finds you well. I really enjoyed chatting with you earlier today at [NETWORKING EVENT NAME]. I'm glad we exchanged our thoughts, and that I heard about your experience as a [POSITION NAME] at [COMPANY NAME]. We ran out of time, and I still have a lot of questions I'd love to ask. Maybe during the next edition of [NETWORKING EVENT NAME], we'll have a more in-depth conversation. As we discussed earlier, I’m attaching [make reference to what you were talking about. You can use a document name, link to a website, file] you were interested in. Let me know if you need anything else. I'm glad I met you, and I'd be more than happy to talk again. Let's stay in touch. Thanks, [YOUR NAME]
If you’ve been to a great event, don’t be afraid to say it because everyone likes to be appreciated. Express your admiration for the organizers and for the energy they put into creating the event. Appreciate that they created a space where you can gain knowledge and that they gathered many specialists to exchange experiences in one place.
Thanking someone like that can have great power and is a special motivator for further action. Saying “thank you” is the simplest form for practicing gratitude. Your thank-you email could be the validation of all their hard work.
Hi there, I wanted to reach out to you and congratulate you on a nice event. It was great, and I really enjoyed it. The main theme of the [EVENT NAME] was simply fabulous, and the choice of speakers was excellent and well thought out. I learned a lot from their speeches, and I can only guess how much work you had to put into bringing them to your event. I'm looking forward to the next edition of the [EVENT NAME], and I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you. Thanks, [YOUR NAME]
If you’re here and you’re an event organizer, I have a great tip for you. You can use the HelpDesk ticketing system to get in touch with event participants easier. This system can organize and speed up all of your email communication.
Each participant can write a message to you using the form on your website. You can respond immediately from the HelpDesk ticketing system without having to switch to your inbox. You’ll be able to efficiently manage your email communication thanks to priorities, statuses, and tagging. On top of those things, you can try out canned responses to the most common questions. I’m sure you have a lot of work to do as an organizer, so try HelpDesk for 14 days free of charge. You’ll be positively surprised by how your work can be supported.
A business meeting proposal is often one of the steps in building relationships with a customer or business partner. You both want to achieve your goals, and this meeting can bring you closer to doing that. All you have to do is arrange it by sending a professional meeting request email.
Dear [NAME], Thank you for exchanging emails so far. Your experiences are truly inspiring and encouraging. I'd like to learn more. I have a feeling that our visions for our businesses are the same in some ways. If you feel the same way, maybe it's worth talking about it in ameeting. What do you think? I don't want to take up your time, but if you think this is a good idea, I'd like to invite you to [PROPOSED LOCATION], at [PROPOSED DATE AND TIME]. I’m also happy to work around your schedule. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours sincerely, [YOUR NAME]
After a successful meeting with a potential customer, you’re certainly waiting for the moment when you can send a follow-up. This type of email must be pragmatic and contain some information that will allow you to move forward.
First, remember to sum up the meeting. Collect the most important topics and consider the next steps.
Hello [NAME], Thank you very much for spending time together discussing [ISSUE]. I hope I've managed to shed some new light on this. I would like to summarize what we talked about at our meeting on [DATE]. [List of topics and findings in a short summary. Present it in bullet points to increase readability] Please let me know if I've managed to get all the key information correct. I really appreciate your time. Your feedback is very helpful to me, and I’d be extremely grateful to receive it. If you agree with this summary, the next step is [NEXT STEP CHARACTERISTICS]. If you’d like to get any additional information about [ISSUE], I’d be more than happy to have a phone call or meeting. Sincerely, [YOUR NAME]
Every email should be ended with your unique signature. Try HelpDesk for 14 days for free and create one according to your needs. Be professional and express yourself through your signature.
One email can affect a lot of things, and it can open doors to new possibilities. The most important things you should remember are:
Use the appropriate greeting and closing in your email. Consider whether the email is formal or informal. Using the wrong language is no joke. It can affect how you’ll be perceived.
Try to personalize every message. Collect data about your recipient and capture details during the conversation. Use this information in the email.
Be transparent and communicate your intentions accurately. Build relationships on trust and mutual respect.
Your message can be short and strongly-worded, but it shouldn’t be harsh. Be factual and polite at the same time.
Use common sense when using templates. Add something about yourself so that the email is unique. Contribute to the message creation process.
In the next lesson
Tricks and Useful Add-Ons to Organize Your Gmail
The next lesson will surprise you with numerous tips and tricks to organize your business email. Gmail has many helpful features, and by using extensions, you'll enter a new dimension of inbox management.
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